MIRROR: logicked - YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity

2016-06-06 92

17 year old atheist YouTuber Amos Yee has gotten into some legal trouble for harshly criticizing Islam and Christianity online. If Amos had lived in any first world Western country, his freedom of speech would have protected him from legal consequences for speaking his mind. Unfortunately, Amos lives in Singapore, a country that does not have a good human rights track record, and where you can be arrested for hurting the feelings of certain people. As a result, Amos could spend several years in prison for what many of us in the secular community do online on a daily basis. Please visit the links in the video's original description to find out how you can help Amos. I raised the volume of the original video to 280%, since it was way too low for my channel's standards.


Original description...

Not my usual kind of video, but this is more important than what I normally do. I spent most of my YouTube time this month getting some channel/production upgrades arranged (some of which will appear soon, others of which are behind-the-scenes and invisible). I had another video lined up but this one stole precedence.

Amos Yee's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainAndButter
Christianity video (THUMB THIS UP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3gnJWLwDPY
Islam video (THUMB THIS UP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXZfR7iUTgQ
Post about charges: https://amosyee.wordpress.com/2016/05/25/amos-yee-has-8-charges-mostly-from-wounding-islam-however/
Former location of Deputy Public Prosecutor Kelvin Kow contact info: https://www.gov.sg/sgdi/organs-of-state/agc/departments/ftcd/departments/cd
Cached contact info page: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:I1JFofo5ucgJ:https://www.gov.sg/sgdi/organs-of-state/agc/departments/ftcd/departments/tu+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
Article about Dusty Smith's "cyberbullying" of Kelvin Kow: http://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/usa-youtuber-cyberbullies-dpp-kelvin-kow-charging-amos-yee-hate-speech