Velomobieltreffen 2016 was an eventful meet this year. It had been raining cats and dogs for a good 15 days prior to the event, and many cycle paths were waterlogged and/or flooded.
During the tour, we encountered this patch of water. We thought it wasn't too deep... Well, it turned out to be deep enough for half of the velomobiles to take enough water onboard to flood the floor of the cabin and drenching clothes and equipment inside.
The low-slung machines, such as the DFs and the WAWs, were particularly affected. Quests, Mangos and Strada, being a bit higher, got less water in - but still enough to flood the chain tunnel and derailleur cover.
So, here we were, riding velomobiles on a dry afternoon, with all our stuff soaking wet. Talk about irony...