You didn't even try to do an alternative for this one man. For those lucky few who aren't blocked. Here is a link to the original.
Original Description below:
Please watch in HD.
The Protector of Aerie wildlife and preserver of Twinkling Titanite.
Here's the name of subpar weapons (with Illusory Ring of the Exalted) used in this video:
Ricard's Rubber Rapier
Not so Great Scythe
Spiderman Blade
Scotch Tape Katana
A dagger
Why no watchdragon parma shield?
Music list:
00:08 - Richard Wagner - Ride Of The Valkyries
00:34 - Metal Gear Solid 1 Alert Music Encounter
00:39 - Poison Theme (Ultra Street Fighter 4)
00:56 - Yasuharu Takanashi - Dragon Force
05:17 - Yasuharu Takanashi - Iron Dragon - Black Steel
06:46 - Jet Grind Radio Soundtrack - Recipe for the Perfect Afro
08:01 - Jet Set Radio Future- I Love Love You (JSRF Version)
09:20 - Mirai Nikki - Battle Theme