Sometimes You Love a Movie in a Genre You Hate!

2016-06-03 1

Some movies are so enjoyable that they can make you get past your distaste for a particular genre.

Even if we love movies we sometimes find a certain genre unappealing. Sometimes there is a reason, sometimes we’ve just hated most of the movies we’ve seen in that given genre. Whatever the reason, sometimes there’s a film that makes us rethink our feelings about the genre, and while we still might avoid the genre at large we can’t help but love those particular films.

Ti hates musicals but loves A Goofy Movie.
Anna hates romantic comedies but loves Warm Bodies.
Clint hates horror movies but loves It Follows.
Casey hates uber-dramas but loves Amour.

What movies do you love even though you hate the genre? What is it about that movie that allows it to transcend its genre? Did it make you think differently about he genre as a whole? Have you seen any of the movies we discussed?

Let us know in the comments below!

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