Liberal Entitlements - Glenn Beck losing It?

2016-06-02 1

Michelle Obama Cries “RACISM”

Michelle Obama worked her way way through college compiling poorly written essays on racial discrimination. Now, she is talking to People Magazine about a tour she took recently as the First Lady of the United States at a Target store. At 5 ft. 11 in., someone didn’t recognize her, and asked Michelle to help her grab something off of a shelf. Which is racism… or something: The Obamas talked with People magazine about dealing with their “own racist experiences,” as the magazine described.

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Michelle O's $800,000 Entitlement?

It's evident by now Mrs. Obama will not yield to public opinion regarding her profligate globe-hopping. Michelle's week-long junket to South Africa cost taxpayers nearly $800,000 according to an analysis by White House Dossier. The trip ended at a five-star hotel in the middle of a game preserve where rooms exceed $10,000 dollars per night. Michelle was accompanied by her daughters, brother Craig's kids and granny who all enjoyed the "luxurious suites" and "one of the world's finest art collections" at the Mateya.

The cost of local transportation, Secret Service protection, food for her family and staff members, and the cost of firing up "Air Force Two" not to mention the pre-trip preparations all contributed to the final amounts.

Glenn Beck under investigation for alleged threat against Donald Trump

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck is under federal investigation over a comment he made on his radio show while talking about Donald Trump.

Mr. Beck insists that his comment about stabbing the GOP front-runner was not directed at Mr. Trump, but the Secret Service has said it is conducting a follow-up investigation, CBS reported.

During his radio show Friday Mr. Beck and his producers were discussing the 2016 race and the GOP candidates saying they would support Mr. Trump is he became the nominee.

His producers mocked Mr. Beck after he mentioned being in the shoes of Mr. Trump’s rivals.

“Was it gigantic shoes?” asked his producer Stu Burguiere, CBS reported.

“If I was close enough and I had a knife. Really. I mean the stabbing just wouldn’t stop,” Mr. Beck responded, appearing to direct the comment at Mr. Burguiere.

Brad Thor and Glenn Beck Advocate Assassination of Trump

Today on Glenn Beck’s show, author Brad Thor advocated the assassination of Donald Trump: I am about to suggest something very bad….With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President? If Congress won’t remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that? … I don’t think there is a legal means available. I think it will be a terrible, terrible position the American people will be in to get Trump out of office, because you won’t be able to do it through Congress.” – Brad Thor

Glenn Beck, who was already investigated by Secret Service agents before, replied, “I would agree with you on that.”

Ben Stein: Obama ‘most racist president’ in American history

Ben Stein on Sunday blasted President Obama for being the most racist president in American history, arguing that he and fellow Democrats are purposefully using race to divide the American people.

“What the White House is trying to do is racialize all politics and they’re especially trying to tell the African-American voter that the GOP is against letting them have a chance at a good life in this economy, and that’s just a complete lie,” the conservative author said on Fox News’ “America’s News HQ,” Mediaite reported.

Mr. Stein rejected the notion that Republican budget cuts negatively impact minorities.

“The cuts have been absolutely minuscule, absolutely tiny, unbelievably small,” he said. “And much more important has been the fact the Republicans by virtue of supporting the policies that stopped the crash in 2008-2009 from being a Great Depression stopped a real economic catastrophe. The Republicans are the ones who save this economy, not the ones that ruin this economy.”