By request, I presently upload the flip side of my previous posting. This appears to be almost surely a pseudonym of Irwin Abrams, although Rust lists him as a different musician. It is rather perplexing I could find no information at all about this fantastic band. (Victor) Irwin (Abrams) recorded a few dozens of sides in the second half of the 1920s. For the rest, the only fact I could retrieve is that he was a violinist and bandleader in the 1920's... anyone knows more? Personnel is more or less as follows: Julian Hess, unknown (tp), Louis Harmin (tb), Les Crumbacher, Otto Tucker, James Imberman (reeds), Irwin Abrams (vln, ldr), Joe Venuti (vln), Elliott Jacoby (p), Eddie Lang (g), Albert Smith (tu), Fred Bauer (d), Les Reis (vcl). This recording was (still acoustically, but very well) made in 1928. This probably is one of the latest acousticals ever made. From period paper excerpts I could find out the Manger Hotel in New York seems to have been the live performing location of Irwin Abrams' band. The vocalists remained uncredited.