S. Korea welcomes G7 statement against N. Korea provocations

2016-05-27 1

Leaders at the G7 summit have condemned North Korea over its fourth nuclear test and long-range missile launch early this year.
South Korea's foreign ministry says it welcomes the declaration.
Oh Jung-hee reports.

South Korea has welcomed the G7 leaders' statement condemning North Korea.
It also urged the regime to take steps toward denuclearization and cooperate with the international community.

The South Korean foreign ministry said Friday... the statement is just the latest warning from the international community to North Korea.
Last month, at a foreign ministerial meeting led by Russia and China, 26 member states adopted a joint resolution... calling on the North to abandon its nuclear program.
Also, South Korean President Park Geun-hye's visits to Iran, Indonesia, Mongolia and Ethiopia this year.. have ramped up the international pressure on North Korea to denuclearize.

The G7 statement released earlier in the day sends yet another clear warning to North Korea.
The statement condemns North Korea "in the strongest terms" over its fourth nuclear test in January and subsequent ballistic missiles launches this year.
It also demands that North Korea immediately and fully abide by all relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the joint statement of the 2005 six-party talks.
The world leaders urged Pyongyang to not conduct any more nuclear tests or missile launches... and to stop all provocative acts that pose a grave threat to regional peace and security.
They called for greater cooperation among members of the international community... in fully implementing and enforcing the existing UN sanctions on the North.
The G7 also called on the regime to address the international community's concerns about its human rights abuses and Japanese abductees in North Korea.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.