9/11 terrorists face the death penalty, Iran loves its nuclear power... plants, and Russian aircraft come in conflict with a US aircraft carrier. Marta Costello hosts the Gnooze (the G is silent) - today’s top stories in about 3 minutes.
If you don't mind, PLEASE vote for me at http://broadcasting.projectbreakout.com/media_page/entry_id/33 -- you can vote daily!
Also, see more AND pre-order a T-Shirt at http://gnooze.com ! Oh, and if you're extra bored, take the “Take 5″ survey, if you haven’t already. Thanks!
Music by Pistol Youth: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=19522968720 and Special Thanks to Lettuce for the t-shirt/logo design - http://www.lettuceoffice.com