Snapchat adds text and video. The ephemeral photo sharing app Snapchat has added new features for its users. Snapchat now supports text chat, with the unique feature of only saving messages you select. The same goes for video calling, which only works when holding down the video button and with both users online. Skype group video calls now free. Until now, group video calls on Skype were exclusive to Premium account holders. Now, Microsoft has decided to make them free for all users, a smart move considering Google Hangouts and similar services already offered the same function. Microsoft patches Internet Explorer fixes. The serious security breach found this week in Internet Explorer has been fixed with a patch. It must have been serious, because Microsoft even fixed the now unsupported Windows XP version. Still, it’s definitely a nice gesture from the software giant. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare premiers first trailer. The first trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been released ahead of the expected November release date. The biggest surprise was its protagonist´s familiar face, none other than Kevin Spacey. The game tells the story of a group of mercenaries in the near future. It looks like the game will have agility, parkour, invisibility, and even some hover bikes.