Android compatible with iOS. A group of researchers from Columbia University have managed to run iOS apps on an Android tablet. Meanwhile, it’s also been rumored that Apple has added a split-screen feature in iOS 8. Mute Twitter users. Twitter now lets you mute users. With this function, you can stop receiving tweets from someone without having to unfollow them. It looks like Twitter is taking another step to function more like Facebook, which already includes a similar feature. The Sims 4 gets a new editor. A new video of The Sims 4 shows how you’ll be able to create characters. You can customize your Sims directly, leaving all menus aside. You’ll be able to convert your friends and family into Sims, recreating both physical attributes and personality traits. It’ll be easier, faster, and more complete than ever. Gmail gets a radical redesign. After years of the same design, Gmail will get a new look. The leaked images show a retractable menu very similar to Google Plus, a Hangouts that’s far from the original Gtalk, and pinned messages, which will replace the famous stars.