Score! Hero, Manowar, Square Quick, Bestie, and Farming Simulator 16, 5 Apps to Try

2015-08-14 1,256

Welcome back to Softoic’s five apps to try, it’s the 14th of august and Im wearing a stupid shirt, so let’s get to it. Score! Hero is our first app this week, and it’s the perfect app to kick off the soccer season. This popular little game doesn't make you play entire matches and instead focuses on single, pivotal moments. The aim is to develop plays that end in a goal, playing one pass at a time, with the power and direction of your kick dictated by your swipe of the screen. GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLL! Next up we have Manowar. This frustrating nautically themed puzzle game will make you want to keel haul you phone. But, but that doesn’t stop it being really good, and incredibly satisfying every time you solve one of its puzzles. It is a vertical maze set on a warship that has you trying to guide a cannon balls into cannons to blast them from the ship. But successfully jettisoning everything onboard is far harder than you may think. With numerous obstacles in your path you must master how to tilt, time, and order in which you fire off your balls. Basically its quite aaaaarrrrrdddddd. Third we have Square Quick. Are you an Instagram fan who is tired of having to trim your perfectly posed pictures into squares before posting them? Well then, Quick Square is here to solve your woes. Adding boarder to your photos in the style you want with ease, this app not only quickly and easily square off your picture without losing any of the actual picture – it does so with a bit more art by understanding that sometimes there are important details in the margins. Our next app is one for all of you selfie lovers – or narcissist as I like to call them, but that may just be because I jealous. But now I have Besties to come to my aid and teach me the "The art of the selfie”. With some impressive tech, Besties applies filters specifically selected to create beautiful portraits, and perform a few tweaks to your skin tone before you ever take you picture. Once you have your selfie saved, you can chose to share it on social media or take advantage of Besties editing features which will help you cover-up blemishes and fine-tune your eyes, mouth, and nose – helping make you as pretty as a picture. Finally we have Farming Simulator 16. Until recently, I questioned exactly why this series had become so popular in countries like Poland, Germany, and even the US. But playing as I finally sat down to play it I started to see why people loved it so much. I would never have thought that harvesting my fields, driving produce to market, and then repeating the whole process with a new crop could be so relaxing or entertaining. Offering more than 50 different pieces of licensed machinery to help you build your agriculture empire, this sim gets you involved with every facet of the farmyard – from tilling the soil to finances. You can see more in our app of the week video. That’s it for this week, let us know if you think we missed any fantastic apps let us know in the comments. I’ll be back with another five apps next week, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it. See you then!