Messiaen - L’alouette Calandrelle (Short-toed Lark) from Catalogue d'oiseaux

2016-05-21 1

Here I play Olivier Messiaen's L’alouette Calandrelle (Short-toed Lark) from book 5 of Catalogue d'oiseaux (catalog of birds).

This piece is based on bird songs and other sounds that Messiaen heard while he was visiting the desert of the Crau.
Here are the times of the first introductions of the various birds and creatures heard throughout the piece:

0:06 - Short-toed Lark
0:30 - Chorus of Cicadas
0:38 - Lesser Kestrel
0:43 - Quail
1:14 - Crested Lark in counterpoint with the Short-toed Lark.
3:49 - The Skylark

Hope you enjoy it!