Bengaluru, May 19 (ANI): As many as 42 beagles saw light and basked in sunlight for the first time when they were rescued from a testing laboratory to Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) on Monday morning. This is the second batch of rescued beagles that are temporarily being hosted at Hotel for Dogs in Sarjapur, Bengaluru. Adoption camps will be held every weekend and potential pet parents will undergo a vigorous interview process and selection. The beagles are between 2-4 years old and have never been in an open environment before. CUPA has received over 460 applications and over 200 calls. Chinthana Gopinath, a CUPA volunteer who is handling the rescue and adoption, said the beagles might take a few months to adjust to the many new things that they will be exposed to in a home environment.