This edition of Focus travels to Senegal to see how the country is gambling big on an agricultural future. Food will be the motor of growth, ensure no-one goes hungry, and boost exports.
“In Senegal there’s a saying, ‘If agriculture is ok, then everything’s ok’. Well, in the last two years we have had record harvests. Agriculture is the country’s primary natural resource, and in Senegal it is constantly modernising,” says euronews’ Serge Rombi.
Putting the people first
To get a better picture look along the river Senegal. On its banks two-thirds of the country’s rice is grown. In this zone one company has invested 55 million euros in a high-tech rice factory.
This idea is to ensure that in three years time this plant produces 100 000 tonnes of rice a year. That would make it one of the biggest factories in west Africa.
“We have everything we need here, good soil, abundant water from the Senegal river allowing irrigation, which is very important, and the climate which allow