Donald Trump Ex-Girlfriend & Newt Gingrich Talking With Sean Hannity 5_16_16

2016-05-17 4

Fox News Hannity 5/16/16 With Trump Ex Girlfriend And Newt Gingrich

Sean Hannity: “Do you feel, Rowanne, that the The New York Times was using you? Do you think they had pre-written the story and that they had an agenda?”

Rowanne Brewer Lane, Donald J. Trump’s ex-girlfriend: “I do. I feel like they had an agenda and they were trying to stick to it, and they were trying it paint him in a bad light…”

Newt Gingrich Said:
“If Reagan brought us Reagan Democrats, I think Donald J. Trump is going to bring us Trump Americans. He’s going to bring us people of all backgrounds whose real interest is America.” – Newt Gingrich