Human Mobile Stage 107C. 2016 (55th) Anniversary Chau Biu Banquet P2, Lion Dance Kung Fu

2016-05-17 1,708

Human Mobile Stage 10C(2碟2膊醒狮表演 107C), This was 55th Anniversary of Master Chau Biu Memorial Banquet (Master Chau Biu was also name as Chow Biu. Zhou Biu or Jow Biu) was organized by Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association (=Our Association). And it was also 42nd anniversary of establishment of our association and 43rd of our association staffs' inauguration. Time: 20th April 2016. Place: The restaurant in North Point, Hong Kong. Other details please refer to Human Mobile Stage 104.

2碟2膊醒狮表演 107(Human Mobile Stage 107) 中外周家,周彪宗师第55周年宝诞纪念是由中外周彪国术体育会主办,并且是恭祝本会成立第四十二周年暨第四十三届职员就职典礼。时间:2016年4月20日,地点:在香港北角一间酒家举行。其它数据请看2碟2膊醒狮表演 104.

Special thank you for the quests of our ceremonies (很多谢主礼嘉宾): The Chairman of Southern Branch of Democratic Alliance For Betterment And Progress Of Hong Kong. Chairman Mr. Yeung Wai Foon (民建联港岛南区支部主席,杨位款主席). The Vice Chairman of Central and Western District of Hong Kong Island. The Councillor Mr. Chan Hok Fung (香港岛中西区区议会副主席,陈学锋议员), all of them are members of Democratic Alliance For Betterment And Progress Of Hong Kong(他们都是民主建港协进联盟成员). The Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association, Sifu Kong Pui Wai (香港中国国术龙狮总会主席江沛伟主席). The Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association, Sifu Lee Yun Fook (香港中国国术龙狮总会副主席李润福副主席).

Special Quests特别嘉宾:
Hong Kong Police Force Western District Community Relations Office, Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator and Co-ordinator assistant Mr. Chan Chin Wah and Mr. Liu Chuek Wah ( 香港警务处港岛西区警民关系组小区联络主任陈振华先生和廖卓华先生).

Overseas and China Chau Ka Branch Repesentatives (海外及中国同门代表), all representatives were introduced to our quested at the banquet.
Singapore 新加坡:
(1) Sim San Loke Hup Athletic Association 禅山六合体育会
(1.1) Sifu Lee Kam Yuen 李锦源 (Older son of Grand Master Lee Kwan 李坤师傅的长子)
(1.2) Sifu Joseph Yap Seow Hong 叶绍峰师傅

Australia 澳大利亚 (澳洲):
(2) Australian Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy (Sydney) 澳洲周家功夫学院 (澳洲雪梨)
(2.1) Sifu Randy Bennett
(2.2) Sifu John Callaghan

(3) Australia Kippo Wong Kung Fu Academy (Perth,Western Australia). 西澳洲柏斯黄杰波功夫学院
(3.1) Sifu Wong Kit Po 黄杰波师傅
(3.2) Sifu Ian Ramsay

(4) Chow KwoonYarn Yee Tong (Perth, Western Australia) 西澳洲柏斯仁义堂第二分馆

(4.1) Sifu Quyen Luong 梁广权师傅

German 德国:
(5) German Chow Gar Association 德国周家总会
(5.1) Sifu Ali Ol

U.S.A. 美国:
(6) Hung Tao Choy Mei Kung Fu Institution U.S.A美国洪头蔡尾学院
(6.1) Sifu Jeff Welch 谢飞伟师傅
(7) Jow Ga Kuen Kwoon Fittness Academy U.S.A. 美国周家拳馆健身学院
(7.1) Sifu Charles Middleton
(7.2) Sifu Edward Senu-Oke

Taiwan 台湾:
(8) 台湾岭南拳术总会
(8.1) 林礼楙师傅

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