During the Uhud expedition, Our Prophet (saas) altered the route of the army to prevent any harm for a cat feeding its offspring

2016-05-14 6

ADNAN OKTAR: During the Uhud expedition, when the army came across a cat feeding its offspring, Our Prophet (saas) mounted guards over them to prevent them from getting harmed. He made the whole army go around the cat in order to avoid any harm. When he returned from the expedition, the Messenger of God (saas) asked the guards for the cat and he kept it as his pet, naming it Muezza. Muezza was a black and white Abyssinian cat. Hazrat Muhammad (saas) was about to perform ablution using the remaining water in the bowl that Muezza had been drinking from, when a noble companion said "O the Messenger of God, the cat has drunk from that water, it is not clean." Upon hearing this, the Messenger of God (saas) said "Cats have the cleanest mouths", and he performed ablution using that water."

A companion named Abd ar-Raḥman ibn Sakhr, his name is Abd ar-Raḥman ibn Sakhr. He would take stray cats, feed them and care for them. Rasul al Akram Hazrat Muhammad (saas) did not