Our Prophet (saas) relayed the hadith “Your talk about Hazrat Mahdi (as) discomforts them, tell them about him persistently”

2016-05-14 21

ADNAN OKTAR: It is narrated from Kulaini from Ali bin Ibrahim from Muhammad bin Isa from Yunus from Sulaiman bin Salih directly from Imam Muhammad Baqir. The decree of Our Prophet (saas): “Your talk (about Qaim) discomforts their hearts," says Our Prophet (saas). Look, it discomforts them. “Tell them about Mahdi persistently." At the time of Our Prophet, people feel disturbed and they were discomforted about the talks on Hazrat Mahdi (as). "Say more to whomever accepts it and leave aside whomever denies. There must be a test, by which companions, kin and even those who are meticulous fall until no one remains. May God save us and the sincere believers.” In other words, Our Prophet says that few people will believe in Hazrat Mahdi (as) and follow him. But look, he says; "They do not want to hear about Mahdi. Your talk (about Qaim) discomforts them," says Our Prophet (saas). "Tell them about Mahdi persistently" he says.