Save money - pay attention to the location of items in the store

2016-05-13 3

Pay attention to the location of items in the store
Expensive items are usually in front of your eyes/hand. Cheap products are at the bottom or to the side.

Stores are trying to make money, and they have a few tricks to do it! One trick you should watch out for is how they set up their displays. The most expensive choices are usually right at your eyelevel, where you notice them and can easily pick them up. Cheaper versions of the same thing, though, are often at the bottom or side of a display. They’re hoping you’ll see the expensive choices and not look for the cheap ones! To save money, always look up, down, and to the sides to find the cheaper versions of what you need – don’t pick up something just because it’s right in front of you!

more ways to save money in the HandWallet Expense Manager app for Android:

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