Trudeau Goes Postal – PMs Wife Wants More

2016-05-13 18

Liberals May Be Backing Out Of Door-To-Door Mail Delivery Pledge

he Liberals may be backing away from an election promise to bring back door-to-door mail delivery.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the Commons Monday that the Liberals have imposed a moratorium on the installation of community mailboxes and will work to “ensure that Canadians have the services they need.”

Public Works Minister Judy Foote said that door-to-door delivery will continue for people who have not yet been issued a super mailbox, but she left the door open to the possibility that Canadians who have already lost door-to-door delivery would not get it back.…

Sophie Trudeau Faces Backlash After Revealing She Needs More Staff

Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau is once again facing backlash from some Canadians.
After revealing to a newspaper that she’s struggling to keep up with her heavy workload, Canucks took to Twitter to share their opinions on the much sought-after wife of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
In an interview with Le Soleil this week, Trudeau said she and her assistant can’t handle the current demands of being the wife of a highly-visible prime minister, which involve being asked to speak at various events and promote many organizations and charities.
These numerous requests are currently not able to be handled, said Trudeau, because of her small staff.
“I’d like to be everywhere, but I can’t,” Trudeau told Le Soleil. “I have three children at home and a husband who is Prime Minister. I need help. I need a team to help me serve people.”
Not everyone agrees.…

Opposition says Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is out of touch with ordinary struggles

Conservative MP Candice Bergen had little sympathy for Sophie Grégoire Trudeau. She said being the family of a prime minister is a difficult job that involves “a lot of sacrifices.”
By Tonda MacCharles

OTTAWA—Conservatives and New Democrats say the Liberals and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau are out of touch with ordinary Canadians’ struggles after the PMO said it was looking into hiring another aide for the prime minister’s wife.

In an interview with a Quebec City newspaper, Grégoire Trudeau said she needed more than one staffer to manage the deluge of requests for her participation at events.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife has one employee on the PMO payroll to help her with scheduling, correspondence and co-ordinating her movements with the RCMP.

“I would like to be everywhere but I cannot,” she told Le Soleil. “I have three children at home, and I have a husband who is prime minister. I need help. I need a team to help me to serve the public.”…

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