This origami robot made of pig parts can remove batteries from your stomach

2016-05-13 45

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS — An international team of researchers have teamed up to make a tiny folding robot that can remove button batteries from the stomach.

The gadget is made of dried pig intestines, can be swallowed in a capsule and unfolds like origami inside the body. It was designed by researchers at MIT, the University of Sheffield in England and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, MIT News reported.

Once inside the stomach, the capsule dissolves and the robot unfolds.

The robot is powered by a magnet, propels itself in a stick-slip motion and is steered by external magnetic fields, according to MIT News.

In trials using a pig's stomach, the robot's magnet has been able to attach itself to a button battery and remove it, MIT News reported.

According to MIT researchers, some 3,500 watch batteries are swallowed in the U.S. each year, MIT News reported.

Most batteries swallowed by humans are digested normally, but prolonged contact can cause an electric current that creates hydroxide, which can burn through tissue, MIT News reported.

This poses a particular risk to children, as the hydroxide can burn a hole through the esophagus, which can lead to death, according to the National Capital Poison Center.


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