If people realized the relativity of time, they would also be spared from suffering for the sake of this world

2016-05-12 4

BULENT SEZGIN: I seek refuge with God from the accursed satan; “They ask you to hasten the punishment. God will not break His promise. A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count.” (Surat al-Hajj, 47)

ADNAN OKTAR: People do not realize that time is relative. That is what Almighty God is saying. All of infinite time is over and done with in an infinitesimal moment. This is a huge matter, something really amazing. But people fail to grasp it. This is a human weakness. If people were really able to understand time, they would be spared from all of this trouble. Their whole lives last not one second, not a millionth of a second. Infinite time is over and done with in a moment. So what are you in such a bother over? One person tries to save this and someone else tries to achieve that. But it is all over and done with. God has created it all, and it is over. God draws our attention to time a lot in the Qur’an, so that people can understand i