Top 10 Most Mysterious, Secret, and Hidden Places YOU Can't Visit include places such as Bohemian Grove, Room 39, Bilderberg group meetings, Disneyland's Club 33, and the Vatican's Secret archives.
Ten) Room 39. It's believed to be a five billion dollar government organization dedicated to criminal activities, such as meth and heroin production, counterfeiting, fraud, weapons smuggling and human trafficking. This secretive office is thought to be located in Pyongyang, near the residence of Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea. Nine) Bohemian Grove. Every summer, for almost 150 years, this secretive Calif ornia campground hosts a gathering of the most powerful men in the world, including Republican Presidents Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover, who was among the senior members known as The Old Guard. No women are allowed. Eight) Ise Grand Shrine. This ancient Shinto Shrine is dedicated to Amaterasu, the goddess of the universe, and ancestor of the Japanese Imperial Family, who are responsible for providing the chief priestess or priest who watches over the site. The inner shrine is said to contain a holy artifact, the Sacred Mirror of Amaterasu, a ancient symbol of the royal family representing wisdom and honesty. Seven) The Mormon Church's Secret Vault. Blasted deep into the side of Granite Mountain, is a temperature & humidity controlled storage facility containing over 3 billion pages worth of data. For over 100 years the Church of Latter Day Saints has been meticulously g athering and archiving genealogy records on most Americans. They freely share the information online and give tours of the front of the vault, but the secret chambers deep within the mountain are strictly off limits. Six) The Vatican Secret Archive. The Vatican Library contains one of the most significant collections of historical writings in the world, but four hundred years ago, a Secret Archive was locked away. It is said to contain fifty two miles of shelving. Five) White's Gentleman's Club. This is the oldest and most exclusive gentleman's club in England, whose members include royals, aristocrats, politicians and businessmen, many who's fathers and grandfathers were members before them. The bar never closes, and the club's betting book contains records of ridiculous wagers going back hundreds of years, like two lords racing raindrops on a windowpane. Four). Moscow Metro 2. A secret underground railway system runs deep beneath Moscow, connecting the Kremlin, former KGB offices, and presidential residences to Deep Underground Command Posts, a government airport, and an underground city capable of sheltering 15,000 people from nuclear attack, for up to 30 years. Three) Bilderberg Group. This annual meeting of “Elite Intellectuals”, more often than not includes heads of banks, business, and state, rather than scholars. For 60 years, the private meetings have focused on policies in the United States and European Union. A meeting agenda is posted on their website, but no one really knows the closed door deals that are really being made, since all attendees are sworn to secrecy. Two) Disneyland's Club 33. If you thought the line to Small World was long, try getting a table at this magical five star restaurant, where tableside animatronic birds know your name, and the bathrooms have real thrones. Discreetly located at 33 Royal Street, above the Blue Bayou in New Orleans Square, a hidden panel conceals a buzzer, but you'd better have a reservation! One) Area 51. After all these years, it is still the most mysterious of secret places. Originally established by the CIA for the development of experimental aircraft, the area is permanently off-limits both to civilian and normal military air traffic. Who knows what technology is stored and studied deep in the mountain beneath this Top Secret US Air Force Base, perhaps it’s extraterrestrial in nature as many believe….or perhaps it’s man-made and far beyond the even what we could imagine – take into consideration that in around 1960…which is about FIFTY FIVE years ago they successfully developed stealth aircraft technology here and that’s not a small achievement. Yet, even during modern times of relative peace, the base is STILL being used for something…