Lingerie tycoon picks up and cuddles man who she mistook for a 6-year-old child

2016-05-11 19

HO CHI MINH CITY — People got the deets all wrong about the baby-faced Vietnamese real estate agent that a Scottish tycoon reportedly cuddled on stage in front of 3,000 people after mistaking him for a small child.

Mone was giving a talk at an entrepreneur conference in Ho Chi Minh City when a young fan rushed onto the stage with a bouquet of flowers. Flattered by the attention from who she thought was an adorable 6-year-old child, Mone scooped the tiny person up and reportedly cuddled him on stage.

Until an audience member reportedly shouted, "Put him down, he's my husband," Mone had no idea the child she thought was holding was supposedly a 46-year-old married man. Mone later said she had thought it strange his teeth were bright yellow as if they were stained by nicotine.

Whatever news agency first reported the incident should be just as embarrassed as Mone, though, since now we know that someone never bothered to fact-check.

The man himself had to later take to Facebook to say that he is not a middle-aged man but just 22. Moreover, he says he's single and has taken particular offense at the fact that Mone said his teeth were yellow from nicotine when in fact he's never smoked a cigarette in his life.


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