The song Bol Do Na Zara is sung by Armaan Malik, music is composed by Amaal Mallik and in the song lyrics is used of Rashmi Virag.
Song - Bol Do Na Zara
Music Producer - Bhushan Kumar
Lyrics - Rashmi Virag
Singer - Armaan Malik
Music - Amaal Mallik
Meghdeep Bose & Amaal Mallik.
Music Team members:
Song recorded by - Julian Mascarenhas (ENZY)
Live Instruments recorded by - Amey Londhe & Vincent Joseph (Audiogarage Studios)
Music Label - T-Series
Song Mixed & Mastered by - Praveen Murlidhar.
Live Guitars - Ankur Mukherjee & Meghdeep Bose
Flutes - Tejas Vinchurkar
Music Assistants - Zaid Patni & Yash Narvekar.