Brazil’s Senate says it will go ahead with a vote on Wednesday on whether to impeach the president.
It’s the latest in the long running saga of proceedings against Dilma Rousseff.
Earlier the new speaker of the lower house had made a surprise ruling that a previous vote to start the process against the president was flawed.
His decision was then over-ruled by the speaker of the Senate.
“It is not up to the president of the Senate to say whether is it or is not fair, but up to the senate plenary, all the senators together. That was the decision taken by the Supreme Court,” said Senate President, Renan Calheiros.
Rousseff faces allegations her government broke budgetary laws.
She believes the best way to deal with the issue is to call early elections.
“To change the course of what will be done up until 2018, there is only one way to change the government’s programme – through direct elections,” declared Rousseff.
If the senate votes in favour on Wednesday, the president