At least 70 people killed in Afghanistan bus crash as vehicles engulfed in flames

2016-05-10 22

GHAZNI, AFGHANISTAN — At least 73 people died and more than 50 were injured in a deadly bus crash in Afghanistan.

The accident occurred near the city of Ghazni on the highway between Kabul and Kandahar at about 6 a.m. on Sunday when two buses collided with a fuel truck, which burst into flames, the New York Times reported.

The drivers were most likely speeding to avoid attacks by the Taliban, according to Al-Jazeera and the BBC. The militant group are known to operate checkpoints in the area, Al-Jazeera reported.

Local officials said a bus full of passengers collided head on with another bus when it tried to overtake a slow-moving fuel truck, according to the New York Times.

Both buses then hit the fuel truck, which exploded, causing all three vehicles to catch fire and crash.

Officials said there were 140 passengers on the buses and it would take time to calculate the final death toll, the New York Times reported.

Afghan soldiers rushed to the scene and saved some passengers, but many of the injured were in a critical condition in the hospital, according to Al-Jazeera.


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