Spoiler Alert: 3 takeaways from Sunday's Game of Thrones episode

2016-05-09 2

A twist! Yes, Bran’s tree-traveling through time yet again, and in “Oathbreaker” he pops in on a much younger version of daddy Ned Stark, who is paying a visit to the Tower of Joy. So what’s in the tower? Of course, those who have been paying careful attention and doing their studying know that the tower’s occupant is most likely Lyanna Stark, who is probably giving birth to Jon Snow in there. Speaking of dead or missing members of the Stark family, remember Rickon? There’s been plenty of speculation in the interim about where Rickon went and whether we would ever see him and his keeper again, but it turns out that they made it exactly where they said they were going. It turns out that death wasn’t such a big deal at all for Jon Snow, who is seemingly in good health following his somewhat slapdash resurrection. While Jon’s short-lived passing may not have given him cellulite, it’s made him rethink his priorities, and the end of “Oathbreaker” sees him doffing his lavishly poofy Lord Commander coat to head off for new, less commandery adventures.