Malta's abortion ban: 'I'm not a criminal. I'm a loving mother'

2016-05-07 1

There are renewed calls for a public debate on Malta’s continuing bans on abortion and the morning after pill.

Having an abortion is punishable by up to three years in jail – and those who carry them out can be imprisoned for four years and barred from practising.

Insiders reporter Valerie Gauriat travelled to Malta to investigate how much of an appetite there is for change, in a country where talking openly about the issue is out of the question.

Abortion – Malta’s taboo subject

“I was 17 and I got pregnant. The decision was to go to England and get a termination. Something went wrong in the procedure because I woke up, half way through. And I wanted to get off the operating table. And they said no, no, and put me back down. And I think they hurried up, they rushed the operation,” said one Maltese woman, who’s identity is being protected.

“The day after, when I left, I was in pain, and then was in the aeroplane I started heavily bleeding, with lots of blood clots.”
