UPDATE Racist White Judge Tells Detroit Black Man Pay Child Support For Kid That's Not His Update Ratchet, Black Women, Single Black Women, Child Support, Family, Carnell Alexander, DNA test, child Support Fraud, Deadbeat Parent, support, kids, news, Detroit, Local News, child support office, child support Detroit, child support is extortion, child support court hearing, child support court, child support laws in Michigan, child support Detroit mi, child support number, Michigan, paternity fraud, posts, for, not, paying, unpaid, unpaid child support, weekly, mommy, single, mom, mother, parent, reporting, Fathers' Rights Movement, Not the father, paternity case, Crime, deadbeat dad, JUDGEMENT, COURT, DNA tests, Legal, Paternity, Child, judge, man, kid, child, fighting, Law, Legal battle, Racist, Racism, White Supremacy, Black Woman, Welfare, Black Man, Black Men, Food Stamps, SNAP, white people, Sayitinlove, Tee, Black, Child Support, Kid, Father, Mother, Parents, Jail, black men on child support, Helping the black men, Going to Jail for child Support, Black Family Issue, Child Support Order, Broken Homes, black men in the system, Brothers, paying child support, deadbeat parents, child support law, corrupt child support system, man fighting over child support, man fighting over child support for a child, Detroit, momma, daddy, baby, payments, Fraud, Family Court, Fathers Rights, Family Courts, Rights, Courts, Fathers