Nibiru Planet X 2015, CATACLYSM NOW!!!

2016-05-03 36

We made some very specific and detailed predictions based upon May 15th alignment. The alignment really doesn't involve many other planets other than Aquarius constellation. All predictions were based upon a brown dwarf star being in this position.... all predictions have been fulfilled. JUST BC I love my subscribers so I'm giving some homework and come back on my youtube channel and tell me what you think of this I'm about to give you "GO outside around 10:30pm look in the direction of the sunrise at about 45degrees angel in the sky you will notice a very bright star it is the brightest star in the sky, mark the location in your head and go back and look at it an hour later you will notice it moves further upwards and it you watch it all night it will go in the direction of the sunset...A starlike orb that moves it will blow your mind i record it overnight.

Nibiru Planet X - Battling a Forced Pole Shift - Must Watch
Cars exploding on their own because it's so hot? It's happening. Is a large celestial object orbiting closer to Earth every year? Is this the year? Every summer the earth goes through some serious changes. Some great Nibiru perspective in this one at 22:12. The volcano shot has some incredible sounds if you listen, and hopefully the volcano exploding lava is something you ONLY see on video. Cheers to that.
I made this video to try to place the viewer in a perspective of 'being on the other end of the camera,' to think outside the box, and realize the likes as to what has been starting to occur more, and more, 'every summer.' Prepare in whatever way you can - for if the water shuts down, the city decides to flush the pipes, an earthquake, or worse God forbid.
Realize what is happening and starting the happen around you. It's a part of life, but one that should not be ignored. DO what you will. Thanks for watching.
Every summer the planet earth experiences some very serious 'torque.' Feel free to share this video, I just put it here for reasons of my own. A pattern that I have noticed over the years? Every June to September holds some 'very odd' sudden surprises or 'reactions' of our very planet.
The video ends containing information that you may think unnecessary but think again.. it's all relevant.
You decide... but something is amiss and in ways like never before. Is this the 'big' event?
Prepare? For what? Anything. Flood, earthquake, tornado, etc.
Just in case. Better to be prepared with a plan than 'not at all,' don't you think? .

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