Reborn Complete Story Walkthrough - Chapter 14: Agate Circus

2016-05-01 1

Full Playlist can be found here:

Welcome to Metro's Lore Play of Pokemon Reborn! If you aren't aware, a Lore Play is a walkthrough of the game that ONLY shows the story, allowing you to focus on the condensed plot and character development that can be difficult to get through with dozens of hours of gameplay.

In Chapter 14 we venture in Agate city and find another Team Meteor plot, forcing us into the circus.
We meet Terra, an enigmatic girl with an energetic and over-the-top approach to life.
We also meet Samson and Ciel, the other members of the Triumvirate of Gym Leaders as well as the Ringmaster of the circus - all seemingly minor characters who fill out and progress the plot in this area.
After leaving the circus we meet back up Amaria after quite some time and are introduced to her female lover Titania aka Tania.
We catch up with Hardy and Aya and progress towards the Meteor storyline's continuation.

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