Moon's Seas - Lunar Maria - Lunar mare - Map of the moon.

2016-04-30 94

The seas of the moon, also known in latin as "Lunar Maria" are identified in this video.

The camera is set fixed on a tripod with a high zoom all the time so you can perceive the 'slow' movement of the moon.

Names are given in Latin. Here the translations to english and spanish.

Mare Crisium / Sea of Crises / Mar de las Crisis.
Mare Fecunditatis / Sea of Fertility / Mar de la Fertilidad.
Mare Serenitatis / Sea of Serenity / Mar de la Serenidad.
Mare Tranquillitatis / Sea of Tranquility / Mar de la Tranquilidad.
Mare Nectaris / Sea of Nectar / Mar del Nectar
Mare Frigoris / Sea of Cold / Mar del Frio.
Mare Vaporum / Sea of Vapors / Mar de los Vapores.
Mare Imbrium / Sea of Rains / Mar de las Lluvias.
Mare Nubium / sea of clouds / Mar de las Nubes.
Mare Humorum / Sea of Moisture / Mar de la humedad.
Mare Cognitum / Sea that has Become Known / Mar del Conocimiento.
Mare Insularum / Sea of islands / Mar de las Islas.
Oceanus Procellarum / Ocean of Storms / Oceano de las Tormentas.

Lunar Mare. Full Moon.

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