The British deep state uses the PKK and bigotry in their plan of destroying Turkey

2016-04-28 5

ADNAN OKTAR: In 1880s, the British hatred of the Turks spread also to America. But of course the British started it first. Senator Loch of the USA speaks exactly like the British. He says that: "Istanbul must be taken away from the Turks." One of the regions that they want to be autonomous is Istanbul. They want to separate Marmara region from Turkey and include it in Europe. And the presidency system is the means to accomplish what they want; by creating autonomous regions, federations and separating Istanbul. "The Turks, who are the seeds of plague, bringers of war and an insult to their neighbors, must be banished from Europe." he says. There is a British mentality in such ruthless hatred. This is the mentality of the British government. So they use the PKK to put this malice into action.

In a top-secret document dated 1911, the prime minister of England, Lord Salisbury states this: "The same charade, the same Ottoman mentality continues. These ignorant fan