Some of the statements of Rabbis in the Torah regarding the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) are wrong

2016-04-27 0

ADNAN OKTAR: Verse 93 of Surah Yunus; "We settled the tribe of Israel in a place that they liked and gave them good things as provision." Look, God says, "We settled the tribe of Israel in a place that they liked". Not everyone might find a place pleasing. It is God Who makes them love the location. This is a miracle as well. Otherwise, people are not obliged to approve the place they live, even if it is a beautiful land. But God says, "We settled the tribe of Israel in a noble place". God made them admire it, "and gave them good things as provision. “They did not differ until knowledge came to them. Your Lord will decide between them on the Day of Rising regarding the things about which they differed." (Surah Yunus, 93)

It was in the era of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) that the tribe of Israel, following the Prophet Moses (pbuh), settled the promised lands and prospered. Before that, there were discrepancies within the tribe of Israel, but