Rising temperatures across India disrupt normal life

2016-04-27 1

Rajkot/Uttar Pradesh/Siliguri, Apr 27 (ANI): People across India continued to face extreme heat conditions as temperatures in different regions has soared to intense levels. People in many areas are forced to stay indoors as the temperature is hovering over 40 degrees Celsius. Those venturing out are seen taking protective measures like covering their faces. High temperatures have taken a toll particularly on students, who don't have the option of staying home. Gorakhpur recorded a maximum temperature of 41 degree Celsius. The hot weather across the country has also boosted sale of hydrating drinks with many people making a beeline for juice stalls. With such a high demand of hydrating food and drinks, prices of such items have shot up. The hottest months are May and June, but many states have already registered temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius.