Homesick Starring Markiplier (2/2) - Spectacular Ending!

2016-04-25 9

This game is awesome and it is part two (of an eventual three). Markiplier takes Bob and Wade out on a camping trip but they are not alone. Scary shenanigans and Wade-abuse ensues.

The first game is Called A New Home Starring Markiplier.
I never played it (I watched Markiplier play it) and this game is a sequel so you may want to either watch or play the first before getting to this one. I don't think it's too important to have seen the first one to understand this one as the relevant information is explained but it spoils a lot from the first one.

Part 1 of my playthrough is here ➤

A New Home Game Link ➤
Markiplier Plays A New Home ➤

Link To This Game ➤

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Please watch: "Minecraft 1.9 Hardcore Survival part 5 - Sheep!"