Odtwórz magiczne momenty z filmu Disneya Mała Syrenka z tym zestawem Skrzynia skarbów Arielki. W tym zestawie znajduje się Arielka i jej skrzynia pełna biżuterii. Syrenka ma na sobie zdejmowalną sukienkę, którą możesz udekorować zawartymi akcesoriami.
Zabawka przeznaczona jest dla dzieci od 4 roku życia.
Recreate magical moments from Disney's The Little Mermaid with Ariel's Treasure Chest. This playset comes with Ariel and her jewelry box, which opens to reveal Flounder! Ariel comes wearing a removable plastic bodice, peplum, and skirt. Encourage your little dreamer to accessorize Ariel with the included bracelet, necklace, and tiara. Your little dreamer can keep the fun going by creating Ariel's outfit and accessorizing her with the included Snap-ins. They can also decorate their Disney Princess with mix-and-match Snap-ins and outfits (sold separately) and can build their own Little Kingdom! Copyright Disney Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.