The British deep state wants to make the World War One map of a divided Ottoman Empire a reality

2016-04-24 1

ADNAN OKTAR: Lloyd George who was the Prime Minister of England at the time of war- the renowned Lloyd George- said that all the Arabic-speaking lands should be taken away from the Ottoman Empire and be placed under a mandate. He said that the Turks will have a great portion of Anatolia, but will not have any land in Europe, and that Turks will not be given any place in the Straits and by the sea.

This is exactly what they meant to do. (They wanted Turks to remain) around Ankara, Konya and the vicinity, the remaining inlands- they actually wanted to take away the Black Sea and Antalya as well- I mean, they wanted to take away the Mediterranean region. They devised to keep Turks restricted to Central Anatolia, but only temporarily as they later thought to exile them to Central Asia after exerting pressure on them. This is the policy of the British deep state. I mean giving the Southeast region to the PKK – note that they are very sensitive about the Black Sea. They constantly ins