What a Dumpster Fire in New York this week.
Now as I stated in this weeks show, New York is a Closed Primary State, but I will go into detail why it was said Dumpster Fire.
Also in this segment: There is a reason why they are called the "Daily Garbage Bin." Another Click-Bait website that thinks that you are too stupid to think for yourself and I will give the reason why.
The Videos from Mark Apollo are via Creative Commons
The Tour of the Public Housing Project by Sanders is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jzZoGPtjGc
The article from DNB(If they ever come back live, and not heavily edited) is here: http://www.dailynewsbin.com/opinion/registered-independents-have-no-business-voting-in-the-new-york-democratic-primary/24530/