Carbon Fibre Vinyl Wrap stealth Camper Van (update 1)

2016-04-22 1

Carbon Fibre Vinyl Wrap stealth Camper Van (update 1)
OK, So i decided i wanted to have a go at vynal wrapping the van,
I have never done anything like this before, and bought thwe cheapest 30 Meter Roll of 3D carbon fibra wrap I could find on EBAY------------NOT MY BEST MOVE-------- As it is not like the expensive stuff with the "air free" , so I have had issues with air bubbles, but, come on it was £70.00 for 30 meters by 1.52 meters.

Fear is the path to the dark side.fear leads to anger.anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.YODA & BAGMAN agree.

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Vinyl,wrap,wrapping,customspraymods,carbon,fibre,hood,bonnet,car wrap,Carbon (fiber),first,time,beginners,heat,gun,DIY,MotionSigns,Wrap,3M,motorhome,holiday,RV,wrapping,vinyl wrapping,big wrap,advertisment,motor home,London, campervan,