Earth's Extremes - Volcanoes in Vanuatu

2016-04-18 1

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Name Elevation Elevation Last eruption
(metres) (feet)
Ambae 1496 4908 2005
Ambrym 1334 4375 2007
Aneityum 852 2795 Pleistocene
East Epi -34 -111 2004
Eastern Gemini Seamount -80 -262 1996
Futuna 666 2185 Pleistocene
Gaua 979 2614 1982
Hunter Island 297 974 1903
Kutali 833 2733 -
Kuwae -2 -7 1980
Lopevi 1413 4636 2006
Makura 644 2113 -
Matthew Island 177 581 1976
Merelava 883 3373 1606
Mota Lava 411 1348 300,000 BC
North Vate 594 1949 Holocene
Traitor's Head 837 2746 1881
Tavai Ruro 554 1818 -
Unnamed Caldera 521 1709 Holocene
Ureparapara 764 2507 476,000 BC
Vanua Lava 921 3022 1965
Vot Tande 64 210 4 million years ago
Western Gemini Seamount -30 -98 -
Yasur 405 1329 2007


Music : Grab Bag,Silent Partner; YouTube Audio Library

A volcano is a rupture on the crust of a planetary mass object, such as the Earth, which allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.

Earth's volcanoes occur because the planet's crust is broken into 17 major, rigid tectonic plates that float on a hotter, softer layer in the Earth's mantle. Therefore, on Earth, volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging. For example, a mid-oceanic ridge, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has volcanoes caused by divergent tectonic plates pulling apart; the Pacific Ring of Fire has volcanoes caused by convergent tectonic plates coming together. Volcanoes can also form where there is stretching and thinning of the crust's interior plates, e.g., in the East African Rift and the Wells Gray-Clearwater volcanic field and Rio Grande Rift in North America. This type of volcanism falls under the umbrella of "plate hypothesis" volcanism. Volcanism away from plate boundaries has also been explained as mantle plumes. These so-called "hotspots", for example Hawaii, are postulated to arise from upwelling diapirs with magma from the core–mantle boundary, 3,000 km deep in the Earth. Volcanoes are usually not created where two tectonic plates slide past one another.

Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, not only in the immediate vicinity of the eruption. One such hazard is that volcanic ash can be a threat to aircraft, in particular those with jet engines where ash particles can be melted by the high operating temperature; the melted particles then adhere to the turbine blades and alter their shape, disrupting the operation of the turbine. Large eruptions can affect temperature as ash and droplets of sulfuric acid obscure the sun and cool the Earth's lower atmosphere (or troposphere); however, they also absorb heat radiated up from the Earth, thereby warming the upper atmosphere (or stratosphere). Historically, so-called volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines.

At the mid-oceanic ridges, two tectonic plates diverge from one another as new oceanic crust is formed by the cooling and solidifying of hot molten rock. Because the crust is very thin at these ridges due to the pull of the tectonic plates, the release of pressure leads to adiabatic expansion and the partial melting of the mantle, causing volcanism and creating new oceanic crust. Most divergent plate boundaries are at the bottom of the oceans; therefore, most volcanic activity is submarine, forming new seafloor. Black smokers (also known as deep sea vents) are an example of this kind of volcanic activity. Where the mid-oceanic ridge is above sea-level, volcanic islands are formed, for example, Iceland.

Subduction zones are places where two plates, usually an oceanic plate and a continental plate, collide. In this case, the oceanic plate subducts, or submerges under the continental plate forming a deep ocean trench just offshore. In a process called flux melting, water released from the subd

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