Smackdown 14th April part 5 Inc Sami Zayn V Chris Jericho)

2016-04-16 4

ack from the break, and Owens is on commentary now as well. In the ring, Zayn lights Jericho up in the corner before getting a thumb to the eye. Jericho forearms him to in the back, then baseball slides him to the floor. Jericho celebrates again before pointing at Ambrose. He then suplexes Zayn back into the ring for the posing pin, which gets 2. Jericho foot-chokes Zayn in the corner, then whips him across the ring for a corner clothesline. Jericho heads up and connects with a flying back elbow, his original WCW finisher, for 2. Jericho grinds Zayn down with a rear chinlock, but Zayn punches out. Jericho plants him with a dropkick off the ropes for 2. Jericho paintbrushes Zayn a bit, which leads to Zayn coming back with a pair of clotheslines. Jericho kicks him off the ropes, but Zayn no-sells and hits another clothesline. Springboard cross-body from Zayn gets 2. Jericho elbows out of a back suplex and goes for a tigerbreaker. Zayn initially fights it off, but Jericho lands it on the second try. Jericho with more slaps before getting backdropped to the apron in the corner. Jericho stares at Ambrose from the top, and the distraction allows Zayn to come back with some kicks and a tornado DDT for 2. Zayn goes for a half-and-half suplex, but Jericho fights him off and looks for the Walls. Zayn reverses it, but then walks into a boot and a running facebuster out of the corner. Zayn blocks the lionsault, which sets up the Helluva Kick. Jericho ducks, rolls Zayn up and goes for the Walls again. Jericho locks it in this time. Zayn crawls for the bottom rope as Jericho tries to pull him back. Zayn is successful, however, so Jericho has to break the hold. Zayn rolls to the apron, where he shoulders Jericho in the gut and forearms him in the face. Zayn goes for a springboard, but Jericho shoves him to the floor before dropkicking him into the announce desk. Jericho heads out and attacks Ambrose, throwing him into the barricade. Zayn then backdrops Jericho onto Owens as Owens is talking trash. Zayn rolls Jericho back in, but gets caught with a basement dropkick from Jericho. Jericho talks a bunch of trash while slapping Zayn. Zayn has had enough and head-and-arms Jericho into the buckles. he sets up the Helluva Kick once more, but Owens runs in and clotheslines him, leading to the DQ.
Goldust and English start, with English immediately going on the attack with kicks and stomps. Gotch comes in for a double arm wringer, chop and punch combo. Gotch hits a European uppercut and a snapmare before making the tag. Gotch hits an elbow and English hits a kick for 2. Goldust comes back with the Shock Therapy before Gotch tags in. Fandango makes the tag, hits a Manhattan drop and a few jabs. A couple of clotheslines connect, followed by an enziguri and a spinning heel kick. English gets an Enziguri before Goldust clotheslines him to the floor. English rams Goldust into the barricade, then distracts Fandango. This allows Gotch to club him in the gut and make the tag to English for the Whirling Dervish and the 3.