1962 directed by Curtis Bernhardt starring Guy Williams, Don Burnett, Ilaria Occhini, Liana Orfei and Arnoldo Foa. Pythias is a liberal Athenian who belongs to a dangerous cult which believes that all men are brothers. He is condemned to death by the tyrant of Syracuse, who nonetheless allows Pythias to return to Athens to visit his ailing wife with the understanding he will then come back to face his punishment. Damon, a seedy fellow who steals and is a friend of Pythias, does a noble thing and volunteers to be a hostage to guarantee Pythias's return. Dionysius doesn't expect Pythias to keep his end of the bargain. Will this seedy fellow, played by Guy Williams, stand up for what’s right? The tension is almost to much to bear. Actually, not a bad picture and features a rare leading film role for Williams.