Tokyo(Japan), Apr 13 (ANI): At the recently held Tokyo Motorcycle Show, the Metropolitan Police Department marked their presence at the Japan's biggest motorcycle event. They promoted riding safety for the visitors. Over one lakh visitors, who gathered at Tokyo Big Sight, were the actual bike riders. Metropolitan Police Female Motorcycle Officers Squad, "Queen Stars" showcased their motorcycle drill performance at the outdoor exhibition space. They are one of the best skilled riders in Japan. The members are highly trained for their duty on the traffic, with the high-performance Honda VFR800 customised motorcycles. The elite squad of female motorcycle officers "Queen Stars" shows the elegant and sharp riding techniques to the audiences. Road accidents on Tokyo streets are increasing every day which remains a cause of concern for the authorities. The female police riders promote traffic safety close to the civil riders. You may think motorcycle is a popular men's hobby, but riding a motorcycle is no longer a men's activity. More and more women are getting motorcycle license and taking out to the open road. Tokyo Motorcycle Show offers the "Lady's Support Square" booth, dedicated to women motorcycle riders. Manufacturers are now designing lightweight motorcycles for women riders. The focus is also on low seat heights to make female riders comfortable while riding. Beauty section at the Show catches the fancy of female visitors. Accessories and jackets for women riders were also put on display at the Motor Show. Most women riders are choosing padded jackets, elbows, shoulders and back for safety while riding. A motorcycle magazine for women was also issues which gives solution to women riders.