Ex-Muslim to Obama: Islam is the disease, terrorists are just symptoms

2016-04-13 5

Ex-Muslim to Obama: Islam is disease, terrorists are just symptoms, face the fact and speak the truth! A college educated Moroccan ex-Muslim confronts Mr. Hussein Obama's lies and delusion about Islam and ISIS with plenty of common sense and brutal facts, based on his own personal experience as a Muslim (for 20 years, before converting to Christianity) and his education in Islamic Studies.

Quite a few rhetorical questions ... ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. How can ISIS not be Islamic? ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi got a PhD in Islamic Studies (from Baghdad University). How can he not know more about ISIS and Islam than Obama?

One liner at the end ... "I cannot tell you my real name, because Islam is the religion of peace."

Muslims currently compose only %1.6 of U.S. population but cause %80 of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. %49.9 Muslims support Bin Laden. %38 supports 9/11 attack that killed nearly 3,000 American civilians. %49.9 and %38 of something is never a tiny minority like the Muslim want to taqiyya, or deceive, the "kafirs", or "unbelievers", to believe. Indeed, %99 of nearly 30,000 terrorist attacks worldwide since 9/11 have been caused by Muslims, unfortunately.

The truth about the so-called "Syrian refugees"

Muslim terrorism worldwide

Muslim terrorism in U.S.

Islamophobia is an oxymoron:

The Muslim race card:

Civilization Jihad aka Stealth Jihad in action:

Violent jihad in action:

Obama's Muslim Brotherhood connection:

Hussein Obama, the Muslim-In-Chief

The carnage Muslims have been inflicting on non-Muslims (Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus) and even on Muzzies themselves, across the Muslim world, for centuries (http://freedompost.org/media/islam-killed-most-people.jpg), and recently in the non-Muslim world and in the West, is indeed astounding.

More than %50 of Muslims in U.S. want Sharia Law which they say is above the U.S. Constitution http://freedompost.org/media/survey-of-muslims-2015.pdf

“Islam is a very dark theory... I was brought up believing in the conspiracy theory that the United States of America and the west, including Israel, is plotting day and night to destroy Islam and the Muslim world, which is a lie” -Mosab Hassan