Diplomatic tension escalates between Egypt and Italy

2016-04-12 14

Diplomatic tension is escalating in the wake of the death of an Italian student in Egypt.

28-year-old Giulio Regeni disappeared in Cairo at the end of January.

His body was found on the roadside a few days later.

Investigators say it bore signs of torture.

Italy has recalled its ambassador to Egypt, after Cairo refused to hand over relevant phone records.

“Italy has been a very very close friend of Egypt since the 30th of June. And if you discuss logically, and people don’t wan’t logic here, they want the truth, But if you discuss logic, I mean, why would the Egyptian authorities, why would any Egyptian harm an Italian? We have no history of torturing foreign visitors in Egypt,” Ahmed Said, the head of the Egyptian parliamentary delegation told Euronews during a visit to the European Parliament.

Italian centre-right MEP Gianni Pitella told Euronews it is a question of human rights.

“I’m asking the European Commission, like the Italian government did, reconsider the relati