i personally think every video is not the best,but tanki online gameplays are rehersals so sometimes its epic,sometimes its good and worse too.But thanks for the support - Cheers!
So hope you subscribe and like,show some love to fellow youtubers
I have some slots available for you,
you can request one game (1 game per person) total 5 slots are available meaning 5 game requests,lets see who comments,and which games are the best.
5 games will be selected by votes,(the game with more thumbs up)
★Facebook: https://facebook.com/genovagames
★Twitter: https://twitter.com/realahmadmunir
★Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ahmadmuniro...
I am also running a Music Channel Named as CATALYZE ,show some support
★Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyp2...
★Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catalyzemusic
★Twitter: https://twitter.com/realahmadmunir
★Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/catalyze
★BandCamp: https://catalyze.bandcamp.com/releases
★Website: http://dexcut.wix.com/catalyze ( if website does not load,try refreshing 100s of times,it will load)
★"Reborn" New Album is out now
Buy Now: http://catalyze.bandcamp.com/album/re...
I have MANGA BOOKS as Well.Right now i am only creating BLEACH Manga.but i have some other collections as well
★Website (Bleach Only) (if webstie doesnot load try refreshing several times) : dexcut.wix.com/bleachcenter
★Archive (For all of my collections) : https://archive.org/details/@ahmadmun...
★Bleach Volume 70 is out now! download FOR FREE
here: https://archive.org/details/BleachVol70