Cruz: Drudge Report 'Attack Site' for Trump

2016-04-12 15

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has accused The Drudge Report of being an "attack site" for Donald Trump.

Shortly after Donald Trump's new campaign manager accused the Ted Cruz campaign of employing "Gestapo tactics" to secure delegates in Colorado, Ted Cruz has pointed his crosshairs at The Drudge Report.

In an interview on The Mike Slater Show Monday, Ted Cruz had been asked by the host to express his opinions about The Drudge Report lately and their allegedly "anti-Christian headlines." Cruz mostly felt the site has been biased in favor of Donald Trump, primarily in terms of how little his wins receive a "red siren" on the front page.

Look, Drudge Report over the years has done a good job highlighting the excesses of the left and the excesses of liberalism, and about the past month the Drudge Report has basically become the attack site for the Donald Trump campaign. And so every day they have the latest Trump attack. They’re directed at me. It — by all appearances, Roger Stone now decides what’s on Drudge, and most days they have a six-month-old article that is some attack on me, and it’s — whatever the Trump campaign is pushing that day will be the banner headline on Drudge.

By the way, they no longer cover news. Remember they used to have things like election results? They don’t put those on Drudge anymore. When we win a state, suddenly the state doesn’t matter. You know Colorado — there was no red siren on Drudge when we won all 34 delegates in Colorado. That wasn’t news, because — I mean listen, that’s fine. If people want to get on the 'Trump train,' they can.