Chase Plays Everything Part 3! Santas Icy Butt, Perfect Block & Skylanders Trap Team (Face Cam)

2016-04-12 2

Chase and Dad play some Random Games on the Ipad for the 3rd time. It was all up to Chase and he chose to throw Ice Down Santas Pants, Play Wingeria. or. Not play Wingeria. Play Skylanders Trap Team on his iPad in Soda Springs since he deleted his iPad save and lost all progress but before that Dad & Chase play a Perfect Block match and Chase is a bit confused on the scoring. haha\r
Well thats about it, hopefully you enjoy it and thumbs up for Chase! :)\r
The original Chase Plays Everything before we called it that:\r
Chase plays part 1: \r
Chase plays part 2: \r
To check out some of the other games Chase played on this channel, see our Chase Plays Playlist: \r
Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh!\r
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